Chronic Neuropixels in Mice
I developed protocols to chronically, recoverably implant single Neuropixels 1.0 probes or dual independent Neuropixels 2.0 probes into mice and record during a freely moving automated (non)match to direction task. Check out Open Neuroscience for a detailed description.
- Full collection
- Assembly
- Implant surgery
- Explant surgery
- Building a SpikeGLX rig with camera
- Building the maze and integrating with freely moving recording
Scripts and Build Files
Parts Lists
I wrote 2 tools to assist with some of my own diversity & inclusion goals
- Speaker finder: given a list of keywords, searches bioRxiv & Pubmed and returns the authors with the most publications that match that keyword
- Citation overrepresentation tool: given a bibliography, returns which labs, institutions, & journals you cite the most
- How to write grad school application essays
- How to interview for grad school
- Advice to new grad students
- Workshop I developed to teach new scientists how to dissect papers
- An outline to structure mentorship of a summer intern
- My NSF Personal Statement and Research Proposal
- Using templates for lab notebooks is a great way to make sure you never forget to write anything down for your experiments. Here are the templates I use for my thesis experiments and my postdoc experiments to collect in vivo ephys data.
- Workshop to introduce biology grad students to coding
- 2-hour minicourse on human evolution including a species evolution RPG activity